"Anything in life worth doing is worth overdoing. Moderation is for cowards."

-Shane Patton

Photo Oct 06, 10 57 52 PM.jpg

Welcome to my website. My name is Alpatrick Golphin, but most know me as "Panama", "Pan", or simply, "P." Although I am used to being active behind the scenes, DC's tech startup community is nudging me to become more of a "Public Figure." I know many athletes, celebrities, and people of interest, but I've never really wanted to be a celebrity, per se. I've always believed that fame was relative. Someone could be relatively unknown in one particular industry, but a total "ROCKSTAR" in another. If given a choice, I'd be happy with being a rockstar in my own industry and maintaining my anonymity in airports. 

On this website, you will find out a little bit more about me, some of my projects past and current, and my team. I’m not sure how I would describe myself so let’s just go with “Introverted Extrovert”. Figure it out. Normally, I don’t like to squawk about myself but hey, whatevs. Some would call me an expert when pertaining to certain things, while others might beg to differ. What I do know is that I absolutely LOVE branding and helping others with their brands. I’m especially fond of the beginning stages of a product, project or company. Better yet, “conception” to "validation". This is the most important groundwork to me. The name of the brand, the logos and corporate identity, the website, the team, the concept, and overall vision of the company. How does it make one feel? All of this is exciting to me.

My forte is branding and clothing. I have a passion for the clothing industry and all industries that support it, i.e. modeling, grooming, haircare, cosmetics, textiles, manufacturing, design, import/export and everything else that falls under that umbrella. My goal is to disrupt and change the global clothing industry in several ways, by whatever means is necessary. Whether action sports, streetwear, urban fashion, haute couture, motorsports, plus-size, or whatever the case may be. This is my "ROCKSTAR" industry. 

I look forward to meeting and possibly working with many of you at meetups, conferences, chats, trade shows, conventions, coffee shops, online, the occasional bikini contest, or where ever our paths may cross. Although I am busy most times, I am accessible. Reach out to me via email or over social networks if you'd like. I look forward to chit-chatting with you and answering any questions you may have. Enjoy!

                 LOVE :: SPEED :: GLORY

                 LOVE :: SPEED :: GLORY